Destiny Spurr

Destiny Spurr

I Hate Shakespeare! - Unhappy Person, Zombie, Jerry Springer, Director, Timon, Jim Lange

Every Christmas Story Ever Told (And Then Some!) - Destiny

Destiny is excited to be back at Theater in the Heights! She is a graduate from Sierra College, where she received her associate degree in graphic design as well as a minor in theater. Destiny has been doing theater for 10 years and some of the characters she has portrayed include: Effie in The Maltese Falcon, Kamila in Perfect Murder, Red Riding Hood in Red vs The Wolf, Barbara in Spain, and Brenda in Dead Locked.
Apart from being on stage she is also a theater teaching with NorCal School of the Arts, sharing her passion with children of all ages. She is thrilled to be working with a new playhouse and thanks you for keeping the theatre arts alive!